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Exhibition Launch: Gender, Protest & Performance - Group Show

To experience the world, we must be perceived; we don’t choose to do it, it’s entirely passive. But that doesn’t make it neutral - having a marginalised identity politicises our existence, and makes the act of being perceived into a statement whether we like it or not.

The artists featured in this exhibition reclaim agency by curating this experience; setting the narrative.

Work from:

Liang Xu: is a conceptual jeweller and metalsmith. Her recent works, including “Swallow Me” and “Pregnancy” highlight the painful, violent nature of society’s gendered expectations.

Dani Naylor: is a silversmith and toolmaker interested in body-object interfaces and their relevance to craft-based research. Her “Lumpy Hedonism” collection narrates trans experiences of being observed, through food and drink experiences.

Sadie Zetuni & Leatherdykes.

This exhibition is curated by Dani Naylor.

This exhibition is free for FWBs and £3 for standard members.

February 14

Stitch and Bitch: Smooch & Sew (Valentines Special)<3

February 17

Gut Level Liccle Mix - Open Deck Social