CCTV Policy 

Gut Level are committed to providing a safe and secure environment for our members, team and the wider community. As part of our security measures, we have installed Closed-Circuit Television (CCTV) cameras at the Chapel Walk space. This was a fixed condition of being granted our premises license, as well as being a requirement of our insurance provider. This policy outlines how we use and manage CCTV footage in accordance with legal requirements and our commitment to privacy and transparency.

Firstly, some reassurance to the community regarding sharing data with 3rd parties 

We understand that concerns may arise regarding the use of CCTV footage and its potential impact on privacy. We want to reassure our members and the community that we will not share CCTV footage with the police or any other third party unless we receive a specific written legal request relating to an incident on our premises or Chapel Walk. 

In the unlikely event that we do receive such a request, we will seek independent legal advice to determine the legality and legitimacy of the request before any action is taken. We will always seek to anonymize or redact unnecessary personal data in the CCTV footage before sharing, using techniques such as cropping, blurring or pixelating to help protect the privacy of individuals who may be captured in the footage but are not relevant to an investigation. 

Purpose of CCTV

The council has enforced this system as a condition of our license. It is in place to enhance the safety and security of the space, deter antisocial behavior, and assist in investigating incidents that occur on our premises.

Legal Basis

We process CCTV footage in compliance with the Data Protection Act 2018 and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Our use of CCTV is based on license requirements which is based on the legitimate interest of maintaining the safety and security of our space and the individuals within it. 

Data Collection and Retention

CCTV cameras are strategically located throughout our premises to capture footage of key areas such as entrances and exits, the bar, dancefloor, stairs and terrace. 

Access to CCTV Footage

Access to CCTV footage is restricted to Gut Level directors and core members of the bar team. The recorder is password-protected and stored in a secure place. In certain circumstances, such as incidents on our premises or legal requests, we may share CCTV footage with relevant authorities. We will only disclose footage in accordance with legal requirements and after careful consideration of the necessity and proportionality of the request.

Protecting Your Privacy

We are committed to protecting the privacy of individuals captured on our CCTV footage. We take measures to ensure that footage is used responsibly and in accordance with data protection principles. Any requests from individuals to access CCTV footage featuring themselves will be handled in accordance with data protection laws.

Frequently asked questions

When is the CCTV recording?

The system records constantly, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This is a requirement of our license. 

How long is footage stored for?

Footage is stored for 30 days, after which it is automatically deleted. This is the minimum requirement for our license. 

Who can access the system?

The system is password protected. The only people with access to the system are the Gut Level directors and key members of the core bar team. 

In what instances would you access the system?

Recordings will only be accessed by our staff to assist with investigating a serious incident within the space, such as assault, harassment, theft, damage to property etc. A log is kept of who accesses the system at what time, their reason for access, and actions taken. 

Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns about our CCTV policy, please don't hesitate to contact us at

This policy will be reviewed annually. It was last updated on 1st May 2024.