DREAM / ALTER with Lou Barnell and Zaron Mizmeras
Artists Zaron Mizmeras and Lou Barnell invite us to explore Dreaming in a series of experimental workshops.
We will use practical tools to navigate sleeping and waking states, and discover how dreaming can relax, inspire and connect us.
Together we will explore creative practices to facilitate a better understanding of our dreaming and waking life and learn how to use the richness of our dreams to enhance creativity and navigate our inner/ outer worlds.
What to expect:
The workshop is 3 hours long, and will include individual, paired and group activities. All the explorations are invitations. You can participate as much or as little as you like.
The aim is to relax, meet folk and be inspired.
Together, we will:
Immerse ourselves in multisensory dream-worlds and understand how to use what we find.
Explore our voices, movement and dreams to create improvised music (Inspired by composers Pauline Oliveros and IONE)
Learn about travelling between sleeping and waking states.
More about Lou Barnell’s work is here> https://loubarnell.co.uk/ABOUT
More about Zaron Mizmeras’ work is here > https://zaron.co.uk/zaron/
Who can attend?
It’s really important to us that the majority of our attendees are women and expansive genders, and that we support these people. If you do not identify as either of these but want to attend, we only ask that you please consider how you can support women, minoritised / and or expansive gender folks to feel comfortable in this setting. We want this workshop to be a safe-space where everyone feels comfortable.
What to bring?
An object, sound-making device or material that represents a significant dream that you have had. You might like to experiment with it or use it as an offering.
Warm clothes!
Drinks and snacks are available to purchase at the venue
Something to snuggle/ sit / lie on (we will provide chairs)
Workshop: 7 – 10pm, bar open from 5pm
Free for Angels and FWBs - £4 for standard members