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Degenerate Art Club #1 - Trans/NB Life Drawing

Degenerate Art Club - A new regular art club that centers the queer experience - focusing on shared creativity, deviant imaginations, and growing a creative community for visual artists.

First session - Life Drawing!

In this opening session we will discuss what we want from a life drawing class focused on trans and non binary bodies, what will make us most comfortable and our aims for this group as creatives. We will also be chatting through future plans for the meetup.

On the day:

Introductory drawings of each other & chat about what we want from sessions. 30 min 

Break 15 min

Life Drawing with model. 45min

Break 15 min

Members of the group can volunteer to be drawn (clothed) while discussing how they feel and what would make them comfortable enough to model nude etc. A final discussion of the aims of the group and what comes next. 45min.

Social time until the bar closes.

July 10

Peak Queer Adventures - Craft Social

July 12

HARD BALLET - Semi-Soft Edition w/ Mica